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Comparative analysis of qualitative data collection methods used in adolescent research


Introduction. There has been a remarkable increase in research on adolescents in the past ten years, notably in the field of nursing. Objective. The goal of this article is to produce a synthesis of findings justifying the use of qualitative methods in collecting data from adolescents. Method. A literature review identified relevant articles (N: 27) from digital databases. Results. Although studies conducted on adolescents bore on different topics, the data collection methods were often similar. Most studies used more than one technique to reconcile scientific rigour with the way adolescents expressed themselves. To understand a phenomenon, it is essential to study its context and the meaning given to the experience. Conclusion. For qualitative research focusing on adolescents, it is important to use data collection methods that clearly target the experience being investigated and that orient and guide the individual in reflecting deeply on this experience to facilitate the emergence of his or her point of view. Data collection methods based on writing must be complemented by others relying more on oral communication if they are to generate interpretations that are as faithful as possible to adolescents’ perspectives.